Girl Details/女孩详细

5378号 Amy1
5378号 Amy

Name 姓名 : 5378号 Amy

Age 年龄 : 23 Years Old

Height 身高 : 162cm

Boobs 胸围 : 34C

Weight 体重 : 48

Room 包房

EAST (东部)

Serangoon 实龙岗



Please quote seen from TT! 请说TT看见的!



Characteristic Service/特色服务

Single Apartment / 单身公寓


Verified / 已验证

Images and videos may be for illustrative purposes only and that the actual appearance of the individuals may vary. Customers are to be aware of the potential discrepancies between the images and the actual individuals.



2024-07-09 20:49小弟新加坡 Says:
2024-05-13 17:19BA / BN (WeChat ID; Says:
Couple of times visited Amy, She is very Beautiful and kind lady.
Her massage is very good, she knows a lot massage technic as i also really like massage.
She is also able to satisfy your desire very well
I talked and had discussion a lot with her. Very attractive and fun personality.
She is my priority if i need good and quality service.

几次拜访艾米,她是一位非常美丽和善良的女士。 她的按摩非常好,她知道很多按摩技术,因为我也很喜欢按摩。 她也能很好地满足你的愿望 我和她聊了很多,讨论了很多。非常有吸引力和有趣的个性。 如果我需要良好和优质的服务,她是我的首要任务。

2024-04-12 15:05小男孩 Says:
2024-03-22 13:29Amy的新加坡弟弟 Says:
我今天下来约了N5378 Amy,当我看见Amy本人我好开心本人比照片漂亮多了,Amy本人瘦瘦高高的皮肤很好,腿长长没有毛毛又瘦瘦的,说话口音好听很温柔我和她也聊的来一点也不冷。Amy 按摩可以力气刚刚好不痛,也不赶时间。

然后看见Amy 脱了衣服,身上的皮肤好一点也不胖没有豆豆,还很香的味道,我的阴茎马上有反应了。Amy可以亲我的奶头和帮我打飞机很快就射出来了。她网上的服务有做到好,往事后也没有赶时间,脾气特别得好,我其他的不多说了,可以安心约Amy!

I made an appointment with N5378 Amy today. When I saw Amy in person, I was so happy. She is much prettier than in the photos. Amy is thin, tall and has good skin. Her legs are long and hairless and thin. She speaks with a nice and gentle accent. It was not cold at all to chat with her. Amy\'s massage can be done with just the right amount of force so it doesn\'t hurt, and it\'s not rushed.

Then I saw Amy taking off her clothes. The skin on her body was good enough no fats and pimple and she smelled so good. My penis immediately erected. Amy could kiss my nipples and help me jerk off and I ejaculate quickly. Her online service is written and done good, she was not in a hurry after my HJ out, and she has a very good temper. I won’t say much else, you can make an appointment with Amy with peace of mind!
2024-02-08 16:15晴天 Says:
Superb body. 100% real body figure.
She will help soothe your soul.
Good conversationalist.
2024-01-12 09:58Rh Says:
2024-01-06 20:44Dothh Says:
Picture is real i will say 90 percent alike.
Will definitely RTM her again
2023-11-17 18:29 Says:
2023-10-18 14:15Rinni Says:
2023-09-30 18:49Romeo520 Says:
找了amy蛮多次了。前几天还给我脚踩背哈哈哈。有没有试过被辣妹踩过?没有的话应该考虑下嘿嘿(她在国内有推拿资格证的)。喜欢amy的记得给小费,支持她做得更好;p (genuine syt masseur with certificate, no piano fingers)
2023-08-29 09:08KV Says:
2023-08-12 11:39LLLL Says:
2023-08-03 13:57Sunny Says:
本人比照片好看,女友感满分,喜欢身材好的可以去看看Amy,真的很棒,胸部是天然的,大概c cup ,挺拔柔软很粉嫩
2023-06-30 11:02Leo Says:
Amy is a very nice girl. she has very nice skin, very smooth. skin smells very nice. she has a very nice and perky chest and has a very cute butt. she look very very sexy and cute also.
艾米是一个非常好的女孩。 她的皮肤非常好,非常光滑。 皮肤闻起来很香。 她有一个非常漂亮和活泼的胸,还有一个非常可爱的屁股。 她看起来非常非常性感也很可爱。
2023-06-25 01:56Pole Says:
Managed to booked Gem after few try

1st look impression to me , amazing pretty look.

Look 9/10
Teasing: 9/10
Bm: 9/10
Hj: 9/10

Rtm: Yes, when time permits.
2023-06-14 11:55HYF Says:
2023-06-02 21:21小虎 Says:
2023-06-02 12:39Hujuang Says:
2023-05-17 00:18J Says:
2023-05-12 17:13Kenchen Says:
2023-05-02 20:09龙龙 Says:
2023-05-02 02:38ming Says:
服务很棒 环境卫生都OK 重点是本人
2023-04-30 21:54Yyds Says:
2023-04-27 00:57Yue Toe Says:
2023-04-22 11:27家豪 Says:
2023-04-17 13:12Chot Says:

Massage is decent but most importantly the body is really nice.
Picture is real i will say 90 percent alike.
Will definitely RTM her again
2023-04-13 12:51Amyloveyou Says:
2023-04-09 09:47小马哥 Says:
2023-04-08 21:34Romeo520 Says:
身材很棒,服务态度很好。妹子都有认真的付出。very pretty syt. Do tip her if u enjoyed.
2023-04-05 00:02nick Says:
2023-04-04 08:38Jeso Says:
Very cute, the photo and the person are 100% real, great

If there are fake photos or bad service, Leave your phone number or wechat ID for us to verify

如果有假照片 或者 服务不好的地方 您可以留下手机号码或微信号方便我们核实